2. Motion approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting minutes for November 15, 2022. 3. Motion approving a Final Plat of West 191 Industrial Park, Section 9, being a replat of Lot 10, Block 1, West 191 Industrial Park, Section 6, City and County of Midland Texas. (Generally located on the south side of West County Road 77, approximately 1,716feet from North Farm to Market 1788 Council District 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 4. Motion approving a Final Plat of Palermo Crest Addition, being a 0.36acre tract of land and a 0.96tract of land all out of Section 1, Block 39, T2S, T & P, RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner on the intersection of South Lamesa Road and East Gist Avenue – Council District 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 5. Motion approving a Final Plat of United Addition, being 4.90 acres of land out of Section 16, Block 40, T2S T&P Railway Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the south side of West I20, approximately 4,047feet east of South County Road 1270 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 6. Motion approving a Final Plat of Shenandoah Ridge, being a 32.91acre tract of land in Section 12, Block 39, T1S, RY Co. Survey, City of Midland, Midland and Martin Counties, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Western Drive and W. Golf Course Drive. Council District 3 (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items: 7. Motion approving with staff’s recommended conditions, a proposed Preliminary Plat of Lindsay Acres, Section 13, being a replat of The West half of the West 608feet of the north 134.4feet of Tract 6, Lindsay Acres Addition, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Marlin Avenue and Moran Street – Council District 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 8. Motion approving a Final Plat of Ashlin Place, Section 4, being the South 200 feet of the West 150 feet of the East 857 feet of the south half of the East 34 Acres of that Certain 44 Acre Tract out of the West half (W/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section 22, Block 39, T1S, T&P Ry. Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Western Drive and W. Golf Course Drive. Council District 3) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 9. Consider a request by Midland DCI, LLC for a Specific Use Designation without Term for a veterinarian clinic on Lot 1A, Block 14, Crestgate Addition, Section 39, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Fielder Street and West Loop 250 North – Council District 1) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 10. Consider a request by Elissa Carzo for a Specific Use Designation with Term for the Sale of all Alcoholic Beverages, for on premises consumption in a Restaurant on a 1763 square foot portion of Lot 6A, Block 62, Belmont Addition, Section 23, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the north side of East Interstate 20, approximately 478feet west of South Terrell Street. – Council District 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
11. Motion approving with staff’s recommended conditions, a proposed Preliminary Plat of West Fork Addition, being a 7.58Acre Tract of Land, Situated in Section 35, Block 40, T1S, T&P RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the east corner of the intersection of W. State Highway 158 and State Highway 191 – Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 12. Motion approving with staff’s recommended conditions, a proposed Preliminary Plat of Covington Addition, Section 9, being a plat of 20.78acre tract of land out of the east half part of Section 37, Block 41, T1S, T & P, RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the north side of State Highway 191, approximately 191feet west of north Farm to Market Road 1788. – Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
2. Motion approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting minutes for November 15, 2022. 3. Motion approving a Final Plat of West 191 Industrial Park, Section 9, being a replat of Lot 10, Block 1, West 191 Industrial Park, Section 6, City and County of Midland Texas. (Generally located on the south side of West County Road 77, approximately 1,716feet from North Farm to Market 1788 Council District 4) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 4. Motion approving a Final Plat of Palermo Crest Addition, being a 0.36acre tract of land and a 0.96tract of land all out of Section 1, Block 39, T2S, T & P, RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner on the intersection of South Lamesa Road and East Gist Avenue – Council District 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 5. Motion approving a Final Plat of United Addition, being 4.90 acres of land out of Section 16, Block 40, T2S T&P Railway Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the south side of West I20, approximately 4,047feet east of South County Road 1270 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 6. Motion approving a Final Plat of Shenandoah Ridge, being a 32.91acre tract of land in Section 12, Block 39, T1S, RY Co. Survey, City of Midland, Midland and Martin Counties, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Western Drive and W. Golf Course Drive. Council District 3 (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings on the following items: 7. Motion approving with staff’s recommended conditions, a proposed Preliminary Plat of Lindsay Acres, Section 13, being a replat of The West half of the West 608feet of the north 134.4feet of Tract 6, Lindsay Acres Addition, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Marlin Avenue and Moran Street – Council District 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 8. Motion approving a Final Plat of Ashlin Place, Section 4, being the South 200 feet of the West 150 feet of the East 857 feet of the south half of the East 34 Acres of that Certain 44 Acre Tract out of the West half (W/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section 22, Block 39, T1S, T&P Ry. Co. Survey, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Western Drive and W. Golf Course Drive. Council District 3) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 9. Consider a request by Midland DCI, LLC for a Specific Use Designation without Term for a veterinarian clinic on Lot 1A, Block 14, Crestgate Addition, Section 39, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Fielder Street and West Loop 250 North – Council District 1) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 10. Consider a request by Elissa Carzo for a Specific Use Designation with Term for the Sale of all Alcoholic Beverages, for on premises consumption in a Restaurant on a 1763 square foot portion of Lot 6A, Block 62, Belmont Addition, Section 23, City and County of Midland, Texas. (Generally located on the north side of East Interstate 20, approximately 478feet west of South Terrell Street. – Council District 2) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)
11. Motion approving with staff’s recommended conditions, a proposed Preliminary Plat of West Fork Addition, being a 7.58Acre Tract of Land, Situated in Section 35, Block 40, T1S, T&P RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the east corner of the intersection of W. State Highway 158 and State Highway 191 – Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 12. Motion approving with staff’s recommended conditions, a proposed Preliminary Plat of Covington Addition, Section 9, being a plat of 20.78acre tract of land out of the east half part of Section 37, Block 41, T1S, T & P, RR Co. Survey, Midland County, Texas. (Generally located on the north side of State Highway 191, approximately 191feet west of north Farm to Market Road 1788. – Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) (DEVELOPMENT SERVICES)